
We weren't happy with other web-based skating organizations. We wanted an organization that anyone was free to join, didn't require lengthy agreements, and would provide information on every aspect of roller skating.

What's the purpose of Roller-Skate.org?

Simple: We want to be a community for skaters, rinks, equipment suppliers, and others interested in skating.

Eventually, we'd like to provide:

  1. Information on upcoming competition and results of past competitions.
  2. Articles and news on roller skating.
  3. Information on where you can skate.
  4. Information on new equipment, maybe even reviews.
  5. Historical information on skating.
  6. Links to other skating resources.

That's a long list, so we won't be able to get everything in place immediately. Of course, if you'd like to contribute, send a message! New ideas and suggestions are welcome, too!

What's in the future?

We have plans for many improvements to the site, including bulletin boards, user-submitted information on skating rinks, and more. Of course, we're open to suggestions, too: just send an e-mail!.

Who's behind Roller-Skate.org?

Avid roller skaters! Some of you are already familiar with my personal roller skating pages, many of which formed the basis for Roller-Skate.org. Friends and family (also skaters) have volunteered to provide certain contributions. Your submissions are also welcome! If you'd like to contribute to Roller-Skate.org, send an e-mail.

Are you affiliated with...?

No. We aren't affiliated with USARS, the RS Web, or other roller skating organizations. This doesn't mean we are opposed to partnerships, so if you are an official in a roller skating-related organization and have an idea, contact us!

Who sponsors Roller-Skate.org?

Currently, the project is funded almost entirely by RJ Marquette. If you are interested in sponsoring, advertising, etc., please contact us! We'll consider any type of support you'd like to offer.